Fist of the Storm

[Air, Water] (Rare)
Casting Time:
1 action
Long (400′ + 40’/level)
See text
Saving Throw:
Reflex half
Weave Resistance:
 This weave allows the caster to conjure a cyclone of powerful raging winds that move through the air, along the ground or over the water at a speed of 100 ft. per round. With concentration (move equivalent action) the caster may direct the cyclone’s movements, otherwise it continues on its previous course. If the whirlwind exceeds the maximum range or is tied off it will move in a random, uncontrolled fashion for 1d4 rounds and then dissipate.
  Any huge or smaller creature that comes in contact with the whirlwind must succeed at a Reflex saving throw or suffer the damage listed on the chart below; if successful taking only half damage. Medium sized or smaller creatures, or objects, that fail their save must succeed at a second one or be picked up bodily by the cyclone and held suspended for 1d3 rounds and suffer1d8 points of damage per round, with no save allowed. Creatures are ejected in a random direction (use the random grenade like weapons chart on pg 152.) and suffer falling damage from the height of the whirlwind

Area of cycloneDamageBrew
55′ radius at bottom, 15′ at top, 30′ high2d62 rounds
710′ radius at bottom, 30′ at top, 60′ high3d64 rounds
915′ radius at bottom, 45′ at top, 90′ high4d66 rounds
