Fortell Weather

AKA Listening to the Wind

[Air, Water] (Common)
Casting Time:
1 minute
Close (25′ + 5′ / 2 levels)
Area immediately around caster
Saving Throw:
Weave Resistance:
  The caster can feel upcoming changes in the weather. The farther into the future is sensed, the less distinct the information gathered. The caster can sense a specific storm just a few hours away, but looking months into the future only gives general information—for example, that it will be much colder than normal, that an early frost is coming, that there will be a bit more snow than usual, and the like. The changes detected comprise the natural course for the weather and no sense of unnatural changes, such as those wrought by channellers using the One Power, is gained.
  Among the Wisdoms of the midlands, this ability is known as listening to the wind. It can also give a slightly wider set of insights such as dangerous events (attacks)

How far in the
future is sensed
04 hours
12 days
22 weeks
31 season

Notes: It is perhaps more a passive ability, like a minor version of the Foretelling ability. But is included still as a weave here. While it is most commonly used in regards to weather conditions (very important in primarily agrarian societies, such as those in the Wheel of Time), Nynaeve was able to sense forthcoming attacks and danger at times as part of her ‘listening to the wind’.